Post Office Time
Worth Rs 16,500 for FREE
I have been using MS Excel daily & still do most of my work manually.
I want to automate my work using AI without coding & finish hours of work in seconds.
I want to integrate AI & ChatGPT inside Excel to unlock it’s 100% potential.
I find it dificult to remenber Excel formulas and want AI to write for me.
I know AI is the future & want to be the first to become an AI expert in my office & get a promotion.
I want to use AI & Automation in Excel to make 3 times more than in my current salary.
You can create 174 Excel Formulas, Macros, Excel Reports & Do Data Analysis With ChatGPT & AI to Save Atleast 3 Hours Of Time & Effort Daily, Work 10 Times Faster Without Spending Hours Learning Coding & Never Do Overtime In Your Office
Integrate Artificial Intelligence in Excel to analyse data, answer questions, generate macros, create formulas & build reports in seconds.
Use 174 Excel formulas without remembering any of them to complete your work faster with AI. Plus get 27 secret custom formulas that no one in your office has.
Are you also fed up of creating those weekly or monthly reports? Learn to automatically create it for your boss or management in less than 60 seconds.
No more leaving late from your office when automation can do your work in 1/10th the time for you. You will learn to automate 42 most common Indian job tasks.
No matter what department you work in, these templates will reduce your manual work. The automation is already added, you just need to add input and get your desired output.
With AI taking over human jobs, you need to become AI proof in 2023 and not just keep your job but also grow in it. This workshop will help you do that & avoid being laid off.